Winter Breiteben



What would a day’s skiing be without après-ski? For this reason, there exists our Bockstodl après-ski bar. The round wooden construction that reminds you of an igloo is perfect for drinking some nightcaps with friends and for partying after a day’s skiing. The party spirit is guaranteed and our young team is always in a good mood. Especially in the evening the atmosphere hots up. Dancing (sometimes on the tables), singing and laughing have top priority. Don’t miss the chance to celebrate with us!

Don’t worry about the chairlift tickets: if you haven’t bought the day pass you can nevertheless party with us and use the chairlift or the cable car afterwards for your decent. Just tell the lift attendants that you were in our après-ski bar and you won’t have to pay for your return. Another possibility is coming to the Breiteben valley station in the morning by car so that you can stay as long as you want.